
Get Your Marijuana Evaluation and Recommendation Now

Our Physician provides evaluations and our staff will provide information on how to obtain your medical cards in accordance with Florida Medical Marijuana state law with a great price. Not sure if you qualify? Please visit our qualifying medical marijuana conditions today. Our Doctor is board certified and has completed all State mandated qualifications needed to recommend in Florida. You can feel assured and comfortable that you’re going to be seeing a doctor who is knowledgeable and really cares about your well-being. If you think you would be a good candidate for medical benefits and pain management relief of cannabis we’re here to help you.

Give us a call and we’ll quickly walk you through the process of obtaining a medical marijuana card recommendation. It’s an easy process as long as you’re working with the right people like us who always keep up with the latest validity criteria.

Gather medical records, doctors notes, studies, labs or imaging showing history of condition.
Coordinate appointment with our office to have a face to face with our Doctor.
Appointment/Initial Consultation.
Consent forms.
Copies of medical records.
Doctor completes evaluation: history and physical exam.
Come up with plan of treatment that is most beneficial to the patient.
Doctor recommends medical marijuana by registering patient into Compassionate Use registry.
Doctor prescribes order.
Patient completes and mails Compassionate Use Registry Identification Card Application. Click Here for application details.
Patient receives medical marijuana card.
Patient picks up order from dispensary.
Patient follows up with our office and doctor for follow ups and medication adjustments.

That’s it. It’s that easy!

We can be your green solution.